ARC Cesar Chavez Blood Drive Tabling and Flyering
Hi everyone!
Thanks so much for helping out at the last blood drive. We had a very good turnout despite it being midterm season. That being said, we have an upcoming blood drive on Tuesday, March 29th, which is the Tuesday we get back from Spring Break.
Because of that, we need to flyer and table next week to prepare for the blood drive when we get back. Instructions from before apply, if you signup for a time that says "Setup" then you are expected to help us bring the supplies down from the office and wait in front of Eshleman by 9:55AM. For "Cleanup", please help us bring the supplies back to the office.
Thanks for all the hard work guys! It's rough when we have two blood drives in a month but I know you guys can do it!
If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, etc, please feel free to let me know. My email is and if something comes up like you'll miss tabling or w/e, please text/call me (650) 888-3280.
Sign up
Monday, March 14th | Tuesday, March 15th | Wednesday, March 16th | Thursday, March 17th | Friday, March 18th | Monday, March 28th | |
10:00-11:00AM (Setup) |
11:00-12:00PM |
12:00-1:00PM |
1:00PM-2:00PM (Cleanup) |