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    Gratitude Feast 2013

    MMA Gratitude Feast Food Assignments
    If you are able to contribute to this event and have a hot dish please cook it and bring it to the school the morning of Nov 21 between 8:30 am and 11:00 am.
    If you have any questions please contact the events committee chair Stephanie Wallis at stephaniewallis82@gmail.com

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    Spoons, Forks, Knives (Enough for 70)
    Plates, Cups (Enough for 70)
    4 cooked Turkeys
    2 cooked Hams
    Stuffing (6)
    Mashed Potatoes and Gravy (8)
    Sweet Potatoes (6)
    Green Bean Casserole (6)
    Cranberry Sauce (6)
    Green Salad (6)
    10 Dozen Rolls
    12 PIES (Please list the flavor of pie)
    Salad Dressing (3)
    Butter (2)
    Whip Cream (6)
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