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    H2MS: Flourishing in Foundations 2022

    Join the How 2 Med School team for a Flourishing in Foundations seminar! We will have a panel of MS2s to answer all your questions about how to be successful during your Foundations phase.

    When: Wednesday August 24 @ 6:30pm PT

    Zoom link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/94759889554?pwd=VldRSWlTZGhwZG03TStERnBmNGZGUT09
    Meeting ID: 947 5988 9554
    Passcode: 500932

    Pre-Submit questions here: https://forms.gle/K1a8ioPJg4BiTgpD7

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    Wednesday, August 24 @ 6:30pm PT
    Name, Year, Email
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    • You must provide your name and email.
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