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    FMIG Leadership Interest 2023

    Are you interested in one of the leadership positions within FMIG? Would you like more information? Please sign-up for any of the below positions that you are interested in. This does not commit you to that position, it only shows us that you would like more information. One of the current leads will contact you with more information!

    If you want a refresher on what each role entails, here's the Powerpoint with descriptions of each position:


    Remember: these are sign-ups if you are interested in running any of the programs within FMIG - if you are not ready to commit but still want to be involved with FMIG, you are still welcome to attend our meetings!

    Our next meeting will be on 11/6 in HSB E-304!

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    Name (Year)
    Exec Comm Leads (2-3)
    Health Care Explorers Leads (no limit!)
    Mentorship Program Leads (2-3)
    Baby Beeper/ Inpatient Rounding Leads (2-3)
    How to Med School Series Leads (1-2)
    AAFP Rep (1)
    FM Workshop Leads (2-3)
    WAFP Rep (1-2)
    ROOTS leads (3-4)
    WWAMI Region Liaison (2-3)
    Clothing Drive Leads (1-2)
    Tar Wars Leads
    Amara Partnership Leads
    Coffee Cart Leads (2-3)
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    • You must provide your name and email.
    • (Anyone can see this.)
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