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    H2MS: Rocking Residency (03/31/22)

    The How to Med School (H2MS) team is really excited to announce our newest seminar, Rocking Residency. During this seminar we will be doing a brief overview of the residency application process through match day, along with generally applicable pearls of wisdom. Because we know that the residency application process also has specialty specific nuances, we will have breakout rooms for several different specialties, listed below, to allow students to ask their newly matched peers more focused questions. Career Advising and specialty specific advisors will be providing you a lot of wonderful resources throughout the coming year, but the H2MS team wanted to get you started with the student perspective.

    When: Thursday, March 31st, 7-8:30pm PDT
    Where: https://washington.zoom.us/j/99586476430 (we will be recording the session prior to the breakout rooms)
    Pre-submit questions: https://forms.gle/jpCfmeJQS3SmUuUJ7
    List of student led breakout rooms (we hope):
    • CT- GS
    • Family Med
    • ENT/ surgery / Couples match
    • Ortho
    • EM
    • EM/EM-IM/ Couples match
    • PMR
    • Urology
    • OBGyn
    • Surgery
    • IM
    • Optho
    • Psych
    • Neuro (TBD)
    • Anesthesia (TBD)

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    H2MS: Rocking Residency Thursday, 03/31/22, @ 7pm PDT
    Name (year)
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