Early Halloween Breakfast this Thursday- Please sign up to bring something and/or help!!!
Hello, Orchestra Parents:
Thank you for opening up this website! We need your help, so please sign up right away!!!!
We would greatly appreciate MORE donations of food for the breakfast. Please sign up for one or more of the below items and send them with your student or bring them yourself and stay to eat and help! I have a column for you to sign up to help for set-up or clean-up too!
Or I will also collect some the evening of the performance (if they are not too perishable)-- I'll have a table in the auditorium foyer.
Each column below has room for more than one volunteer. Please keep in mind that we have students with nut allergies-- so avoid bringing the item or label it if it has nuts.
Thank you for your support and generosity!
FYI- I forgot to mention earlier that we are expecting around 100 mouths to feed.
Sign up
Dozen Bagels and Cream Cheese (please pre-cut bagels and bring plastic knives) | Assorted pastries or Baked goodies, such as banana or pumpkin bread | Dozen Donuts | Assorted cut fruit, such as melons | Washed grapes, strawberries, and/or blueberries | Egg casserole or Quiche | Sausages OR bacon | Individual Yogurts | Granola or Nutrition Bars | Drinks: Gallon of OJ OR water OR Apple juice (chilled) | Paper Goods- Plates, Forks, Napkins and Cups for 100 | Helpers for Set-Up during 0 period | Helpers for Clean-up at the end of 0 period | |
Name and email |