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    "Drop-In" Consultations for MCC & bridges

    In conjunction with the Wellness Initiative, bridges Multicultural Resource Center, Multicultural Community Center (MCC), and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), we are very excited to offer a community-based and accessible space for students to connect with counseling and wellness services.


    For questions regarding outreach programming or planning workshops for Fall 2024, you may contact Dr. Aranda via email: wellnesscoordinator@berkeley.edu.

    bridges and MCC students seeking an informal drop-in counseling consultation or to connect with Dr. Aranda regarding mental health, wellness, and spirituality related topics are invited to sign up for a 30-minute slot in the calendar below. Appointments are available in-person or virtual (video/phone).

    TUESDAY in-person drop-in is located in HFA D29D, inside the bridges resource center.
    WEDNESDAY in-person drop-in is located at the Multicultural Community Center, Walker's Corner (aka the farthest side room, across from the kitchen).
    THURSDAY OR FRIDAY sessions are VIRTUAL only. Dr. Aranda will email you the zoom link after sign-up. Check SPAM folder if you do not see the email.
    *) If selecting phone, when you sign up for your slot, please put your phone number in the notes box so that Dr. Aranda will know how to reach you for your appointment.

    If you get lost on your way to your drop-in, or need to reach Dr. Aranda regarding your sign-up you can call her directly at 510-664-5162 or email wellnesscoordinator@berkeley.edu.

    If Dr. Aranda's schedule does not fit your needs, please visit https://uhs.berkeley.edu/counseling/letstalk/schedule to see the schedules for other on-campus providers (There are many great ones to choose from!).

    Students may also contact CAPS directly for a same-day single counseling session, call (510) 642-9494.

    **All urgent matters are also advised to contact CAPS directly as drop-in services with Dr. Aranda are not for urgent issues.

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    Tuesday (3/11) @ HFAD 29D Wednesday (3/12) @ MCC Walker's Corner
    • (Only the administrator can see this.)
    • You must provide your name and email.
    • (Anyone can see this.)
    • or cancel