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    January Lunch

    Please sign up for which room you would like to eat lunch in for the month of December. We encourage students to coordinate with friends to select a room that works for them. Please do not sign up more than once, if you do all of your names will be deleted. Also make sure that you sign up with your correct name, all other names will be deleted. The sign up will close the morning of December 1st, students who do not sign up for a room will be assigned one by Mr. James.

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    Student Name
    Mr. Rob (quiet)
    Mr. Casey
    Mr. Derek
    Ms. Shilo
    Mr. Dave
    Ms. Lisa (quiet)
    Ms. Emily
    • (Only the administrator can see this.)
    • You must provide your name and email.
    • (Anyone can see this.)
    • or cancel