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    Cardio/Ophtho Clinic

    Lakeland Dog Training Club 2751 Evergreen Dr. Cambridge, WI 52523 is sponsoring a Canine Eye and Cardio Clinic on Saturday, September 14, 2024
    Ophthalmologist: Dr. Gillian McClellan, BVMS, DACVO, DECVO, PhD Cardiologist: Dr. Heidi Kellihan, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology)
    OFA Eye Exams $55. Cash or check made out to LDTC-proceeds donated to UW Foundation (Ophthalmology research & resident training) OFA CAER eye forms & info can be found at www.ofa.org. Completing the CAER eye forms online is encouraged. Bring a hard copy of the form with you.
    Auscultation only (Basic Cardiac Database) $50, Echocardiogram + Auscultation (Advanced Cardiac Database) $250. CASH PREFERRED, checks (made out to Heidi Kellihan LLC) & Venmo accepted.
    Please arrive 20 minutes early for eyes to be dilated & to fill out paperwork.
    There are limited signups available for each time slot (if you are not able to sign up it may mean that time slot is full). ***BE SURE TO USE ONE SLOT SIGNUP SPACE FOR EACH DOG THAT YOU ARE BRINGING*** Please list your name, dog's name & breed under name. We will be opening more time slots in the afternoon as the morning times fill
    Questions: Ophtho contact Dr. Elaine Burkhart; lakelandcanineeyeclinic@gmail.com Cardio contact Mary Graber; lakelandcardioclinic@gmail.com

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    Cardiac Echocardiogram + Auscultation Cardiac Auscultation only Eye Exam
    9:00a.m. -10:00a.m.
    10:00a.m -11:00a.m.
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