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    The Business Major (10/10)

    This event is 1 of 4 business events happening for #PIERCEBUSINESSMONTH! This event will talk about what certificates, classes, and programs are right for those interested in the business major! We need volunteers to help set up the event and for sign in when the event starts! Please sign up if you are interested in volunteering for this event!

    Where: The Great Hall
    When: Thursday, October 10th
    Time: 12:45pm - 2:00pm
    Points: 10 points per hour

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    12:30pm - 1:30pm 1:30pm - 2:00pm
    First and Last Name
    • (Only the administrator can see this.)
    • You must provide your name and email.
    • (Anyone can see this.)
    • or cancel