Let's Talk Dr. Himadhari Sharma
Let's Talk
Wednesday 10 am - 11 am
You've reached my WeJoinIn page to sign up for Virtual Let's Talk consultations: zoom audio or video.
ZOOM LINK: https://berkeley-uhs.zoom.us/j/98801222268?pwd=BLCrWDSWZjm6qjqAXyWNYdrFMvBYWA.1
Meeting ID: 988 0122 2268
Passcode: 478486
Virtual Let's Talk consultations will be released every week, so please check back if you're interested in a later date.
The CAPS Let's Talk Consultation program provides easy access to informal, brief (20min), consultation sessions with mental health professionals from UC Berkeley's Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Consultations are free and there is no paperwork to complete. Speaking with a therapist during Let’s Talk can help you access support, gain perspective, explore resources and options, and discuss how therapy might be helpful.
To access this service, simply fill out your name in an open drop-in slot and join me via zoom on that date/time. We have the option to do zoom video or zoom audio-only. If none of the times listed work for you, please visit our virtual Let's Talk website for more Let's Talk dates/times: https://uhs.berkeley.edu/counseling/satellite/chavez
- Please do not sign up for a Let's Talk consultation for urgent issues, crisis counseling is available Mondays-Fridays, 10am-5pm by calling CAPS and speaking with an urgent support counselor (510)-642-9494. If CAPS is closed, please call the CAPS after hours support line at 855-817-5667.
- Please do not sign up for a Let's Talk consultation if you are experiencing a life threatening crisis. In the case of an emergency, please call 911 or go to the near emergency room (In Berkeley that would be Alta Bates).
- Please cancel the consultation using the code sent to your email from WeJoinin if you’re no longer able to make it. Doing so, will make the slot available to another student.
- Let’s Talk Consultations are with mental health professionals, they are not formal therapy sessions and do not constitute mental health treatment. If you would like to schedule a therapy appointment, please call the CAPS office at (510) 642-9494 or schedule through your eTang portal.
I'm looking forward to connecting with you.
In community,
Himadhari Sharma, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Student Mental Health Services at the Tang Center
University Health Services, UC Berkeley
Main: 510.642.9494
Languages Spoken: English, Hindi/Urdu
ZOOM LINK: https://berkeley-uhs.zoom.us/j/98801222268?pwd=BLCrWDSWZjm6qjqAXyWNYdrFMvBYWA.1
Meeting ID: 988 0122 2268
Passcode: 478486
Sign up
Wednesday March 26th | Wednesday April 2nd | |
10:00 am |
10:30 am |