Coffee Cart Winter 2020
Coffee Cart Leads - please arrive at the Family Medicine office, E304, at noon to start making the coffee! You can also coordinate to have one person set up (noon-2pm) and one person clear up (2-4pm).
Coffee Cart Bakers - please make around 2 dozen baked items (if you want to get really creative try to have some gluten free, dairy free, or vegan options). Coordinate with the lead for the day as to how best transfer the care of the baked items by 1pm. Give the receipt for your purchased supplies to the lead for the day and they will get you reimbursed. Please limit purchases to $20 per person per week.
More dates will be added once these are filled! :)
Sign up
Leads (Up to 2 per week, can be the same as bakers!) | Bakers (2 per week) | |
Thursday, January 30th |
Thursday, February 6 |
Thursday, March 5th |